

(Poetry) To His Wife - Su Wu

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 (Princess Weiyoung, fonte:Google)

Volta e meia eu leio algo que me inspira ou que mexe comigo de formas inexplicáveis. Há algum tempo eu descobri os doramas, que são séries e filmes orientais. A minha iniciação nesse mundo foi com Scarlet Heart Ryeo, um dorama coreano que se inspirou em um chinês, mas foi com Princess Weiyoung e Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms que eu me apaixonei e me viciei. 

Todos os doramas que assisti ou são histórico ou de fantasia (meus generos preferidos). E em todos volta e meia aparece referencias de haicais e poemas, e é exatamente um desses poemas que eu trouxe hoje, ele está em inglês em duas versões que encontrei, pois ainda não sei chinês / mandarim (mas quero aprender) e a tradução que fizeram no dorama ficou um pouco a desejar.

(Princess Weiyoung, fonte:Google)

By General Su Wu ( 100 b.c.)

Since our hair was plaited and we became man and wife
The love between us was never broken by doubt.
So let us be merry this night together,
Feasting and playing while the good time lasts.

I suddenly remember the distance that I must travel;
I spring from bed and look out to see the time.
The stars and planets are all grown dim in the sky;
Long, long is the road; I cannot stay.
I am going on service, away to the battle-ground,
And I do not know when I shall come back.
I hold your hand with only a deep sigh;
Afterwards, tears—in the days when we are parted.
With all your might enjoy the spring flowers,
But do not forget the time of our love and pride.
Know that if I live, I will come back again,
And if I die, we will go on thinking of each other.

留别妻 Su Wu to His Wife (III)

Author: -- 苏武 Su Wu

结发为夫妻,As man and wife we ever unite;
恩爱两不疑。We never doubt about our love.
欢娱在今夕,Let us enjoy our fill tonight
嬿婉及良时。As tender as a cooing dove!

征夫怀远路,Thinking of the way I should go,
起视夜何其?I rise to see if time is due.
参辰皆已没,The stars appear dim high and low;
去去从此辞。Adieu! I must bid you adieu.
行役在战场,Away to battlefield I'll hie;
相见未有期。I know not if we'll meet again.
握手一长叹,Holding your hand, I give a sigh;
泪为生别滋。My tears of farewell fall like rain.
努力爱春华,Enjoy the spring flowers in view!
莫忘欢乐时。Do not forget our time in glee!
生当复来归,Safe and sound, I'll come back to you;
死当长相思。Even killed, my love won't die with me.

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